August 27, 2011


I kind of, sort of, disgust change. Then again I know it can be a good thing. This year is so much different from last year. I play Volleyball for my school and I'm adjusting to my new coach and all the girls on my team. It's already been a brutal season. The eighth graders who are now freshman left, people changed and it's just now starting to sink in. I have a wide age range of friends. Many in my school, some are new freshman, multiple sophomores and a bunch of juniors. I think being friends with numerous age groups is a good thing. It prepares you for how you need to act in high school (mature wise) and things you need to avoid. But then again, all those people are true friends and I love them dearly. Anyways, my point to this meaningless summary is to tell you that I hate change…but I'm going to make it through this year with a smile on my face and straight A's. High school is right around the corner, and I'm so excited.

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