October 4, 2011


Dear age,
you sorta, kinda, make me upset
quit making me wish i were older
always, olivia

Dear person in McDonalds,
pull up your pants. crack kills
always, olivia

Dear leather jacket,
I saw you, you saw me. Now what?!
lots and lots of love, olivia

Dear music,
you make me happy
your words make total sense
always, olivia

Dear el' dorko,
i love being around you
i also like your new glasses
always, olivia

Dear Phillippinos,
please take care of my brother
he's doing an amazing thing
love, a very proud sister

Dear girl best friend,
i am so thankful for you
i love that you live 5 seconds away
always, your best friend

Dear guy best friend,
i love how much we have in common
quit being so awesome
always, your best friend

Dear running,
thank you for coming into my life
i love you
always, olivia

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